Category : Careers & Employment : Business & Finance

How to Become a Sports Physician

Sports physicians specialize in preventing and treating injuries that can be caused by physical activity. They have obtained a medical degree; completed a residency, typically in orthopedics, family medicine, emergency medicine, or internal medicine; and then typically completed a fellowship specifi

Pride Mobility Careers

Pride Mobility is a company that builds wheelchairs and electric carts for the disabled. A variety of careers are available within Pride Mobility, from actually assembling the devices to white collar jobs such as human resources and sales. Technical and engineering jobs are available for...

Minimum Wage FAQ

Minimum wage, money, money image by easaab from Fotolia.comThe minimum wage law falls under the Fair Labor Standards Act. It was established to ensure that all employees had a minimum standard of living to support their families. The minimum wage is the lowest amount of money...

How to Clean a Surgical Room

In order to prevent nosocomial illnesses (meaning they originate inside of a hospital) and postoperative infections, it is of vital importance to maintain terminal sanitation in a surgical room. Developing and maintaining a routine to uphold the required level of sanitation is mandatory without ques

Cover Letters That WOW Employers

Of the hundreds of resumes that employers get for every job opening, you need to stand out in order to get a callback, and there is just one way to do that - your cover letters. A resume might make you stand out from the crowd, but before your potential employer ever looks at your resume, they have

How to Wire First Alert Fire Alarms

It is important to have a functional fire alarm installed in your home. If you install your fire alarm in your home yourself, it is important that you properly wire the device in the junction box. If you do not wire the alarm properly, your alarm system may not work as intended and may not sound whe