Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

The Best Way to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, you would probably rather deal with them in the privacy of your own home than go through the embarrassment of visiting your doctor or nurse.
Finding a hemorrhoid cure isn't as hard as it might seem.
First though, a word of caution.
If you have been suffering with blood in your stools or on the toilet paper for a long time, (more than a year) you would be best to go to a doctor - very very rarely this sort of bleeding can be a sign of something more serious.
Bleeding in this way can be very scary but it is normally a sign of internal hemorrhoids.
It is quite easy to treat hemorrhoids yourself without having to spend an awful lot at the pharmacy or doctor's surgery.
One of the most important things is to work out why you got them in the first place.
Hemorrhoids, whether internal or external hemorrhoids, can be caused by a number of different factors but they all have the same effect of putting extra pressure on the delicate veins in your anus.
The number one cause is constipation which may be a side effect of your diet or leading a sedentary life.
Surprisingly enough, the more you move, the more your bowels move.
Being constipated makes you have to strain and that is when the damage is done to your veins.
A natural hemorrhoid cure is the best option to try first - you don't need fancy herbs and potions.
Get your hands on a good e-book or report and follow the advice in that.
You will soon find that your current pain and discomfort goes away, and it is unlikely to return in the future making it a permanent hemorrhoid cure.

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