You've probably been hearing all the 'buzz' flying around about the massive benefits of using the social marketing sites for driving traffic to you website.
You know the ones, like MySpace, Facebook and the others.
The problem is though, that you've probably never been shown how to go about doing it.
Once you get in there, setting up your profile can be quite daunting and very time consuming.
And that's only part of the challenge you're faced with.
Most of the social sites don't like you posting your website links and affiliate links all over the place, this can lead to you getting 'blocked' or even 'banned', which means no traffic.
Well, you can relax and take a deep breath knowing that you're not alone.
Not many people out there know how to take (ethical) advantage of the social network arena.
Let's face it, it's an old cliché but it's true...
'You don't know, what you don't know".
Nobody knows how to do anything until they are shown how to do it.
Using the social networking sites should be fun and easy, otherwise what's the point? But, as I mentioned, if you're like most people, you've probably had a half hearted attempt at setting up you profile and then 'ditched' it.
Then you wonder why you are not getting any traffic from it.
Social marketing is a very powerful way to grow your online business.
I think Facebook has something in the region of 800 MILLION members...
wow! And that's just one site.
Imagine just getting a teensy weensy fraction of that traffic.
Not only that but it's a fantastic way to meet great new friends and possibly future joint venture partners.
How good is that? Also, although Facebook is the 'Big Daddy' of social networking, the reality is, it's still in it's infancy.
So don't be thinking you're too late or missed the boat...
no way.
Now is the time to leverage your online (or offline) business to crazy levels.
Social networking gives you free targeted traffic.
You can literally run your business from social media.
But, be warned!! There are rules...
do's and don'ts.
So, take advantage, but do it the right way.
There's no point in spending your precious valuable time trying to set up your personal profile or "LIKE" Page, just to have it taken down or banned.
It's a fantastic opportunity and you want to get it right.
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