Getting women into bed is something that most guys wish they could do, it's something that they put on the same level as winning the lottery, and deep down inside - they don't believe that they can actually make it happen. If you want to make that dream become a reality, then you have to get past the belief that you cannot actually get the women you desire into bed. Having that state of mind will actually prevent you from seeing any real results.
That's not the only thing that needs to change, however. You also have to change the way that you "connect" with a woman. See, most guys connect with a woman as a potential friend and not as a potential lover. And guess what? If she thinks of you as being her friend, what are the odds that you will end up in bed with her? Not very good at all.
Here are 3 tips that you need to know if you want to get a woman into bed with you:
1. She cannot see through you and see that your only intention is to get her into bed.
With some exception, of course, most women are not going to be thrilled to know that you really want to get her into bed. You have to come across as being less out for the score, and more like you are out just to have a good time with her. It's not hard to transition a woman from having a good time with you to ending up in your bedroom, but if she thinks that this is your only intention... it's probably not in the cards for you.
2. She has to feel like she has to work to win you over, not like you are hers from the moment she meets you.
A lot of guys make the mistake of coming across right away as being totally into a woman, so much so that she already knows that she does not have to do a thing, they just want her right off the bat. Instead of being one of those guys, you need to be the kind of guy that she has to "work" to win his attention and win you over, not the kind of guy that she can have at a moment's notice.
3. You have to let her know that she is going to end up satisfied with you.
Truth is, most guys are not nearly as good in bed as they think they are, and women know this. If you ever get the chance to sit around with a few women while they talk about the"duds" that thought they were studs in bed, it might be an eye opener for you. To get past this, you have to make her feel like she will end up satisfied with you and that she will not regret it the next morning.
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