Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Love Like You Have Never Been Hurt!

Marriage is the bond that binds two people together for long, making them partners in happiness or sorrow, in health and sickness.
These two people are the ones who stand for each other and with each other in the best and the worst moments of life.
Love marriage is based on mutual love, affection, commitment and attraction and this is now a days his is the most common form of marriage performed.
But the question is "If Marriages are Made In Heaven Then Why Do They Break on Earth"? Marriages are based on the Love and Respect principal, maybe you have heard: "A woman needs to be loved by her husband and a man needs to be respected by his wife".
But in general category of men and women we see that men define love differently than their wives while women do not know how to define respect.
It is generally seen that both you and your spouse have certain needs but you can't define them then there is no way in which you can satisfy each other.
Even in certain love marriages we witness that after a certain period of time there are arguments and sometimes couples start feeling emotionally shattered.
It is not the emotions that die or the concern that finishes, it is the intimacy that fades away with time, what marriage needs is that the love and respect never go away with years.
Love marriage problems relate to any minor or major problems that happen to separate you from your husband or wife.
Reasons don't always have to be lack of time or lack of concern, sometimes extra marital affairs are also one of the reasons why with time your marriage starts to deteriorate and you start feeling bored of each other and of your marriage Without knowing what your partner expects form you is throwing a dart at the board but you don't know where to aim it.
Several cases come to our knowledge where we see that marriages often end in divorce.
This has to be brought to an end and you have to learn that Marriages are made in Heaven not to be broken on earth.
This is a relationship that not only brings two people together but also their families, any kind of separation, whether emotional or physical will ultimately affect the families too.
So you need to understand that where your marriage that is now in a melting pot needs help.
Love marriage problem solutions are the best first aid that you can give to your marriage.
Franklin Graham quotes, "It is God who created and defined love marriage, Any person or institution that attempts to redefine it is Ultimately challenging God".
A short story narrates that when in marriage intimacy dies love finishes and commitments end.
'20 years of marriage, a couple and their son in 10th standard were facing some bad times.
The couple hardly communicated, they lacked concern for each other, and they hardly found time for each other.
The lady cooked for his husband and son each day, but most of the time the man came home late and then he went off to sleep.
He had an extra marital affair with a lady named Joe, the wife knew about it and they were planning a divorce.
One day the lady was sitting on the dining table and was reading the divorce papers that read, "I am giving my car and this house to my wife.
Even after divorce I am ready to bear her expenses and I will be responsible for my child's education".
The lady approached her husband and said that she doesn't want anything except that the divorce should be give one months time and all this month the husband should carry his wife in his arms to their room like he did after marriage.
This was not much a big thing so he agreed.
When this man narrated his wife's demands to Joe she laughed.
Days passed and the man carried his wife to his room each day, initially this was not a comfortable expression and their son clapped and smiled at them.
As weeks passed by things started getting comfortable and they started noticing each other, the man noticed that his wife's hair had started turning gray and that she had grown feeble.
Then he realized, "She is the lady who has given me 20 most important years of her life, serving me selflessly and never demanding anything in return.
What am I giving her I return, pain, loneliness, separation, and divorce at the age when she needs me the most".
It was that day when he changed his mind and headed to Joe, who on listening to the matter slapped him tight on the face and banged the door.
He then understood even better that the lady who has always accepted him with flaws was his wife.
To his surprise when he gets back home with a bunch of white flowers for his wife and a note that read, "I still love you madam", he saw his wife dead on the bed.
She was suffering cancer and he never noticed and she never said.
She had only one months time and she wanted her son to know that his father is a good man.
At least in the eyes of his son now, he is a good man who carried his wife in his arms each morning'.
It was not the wife who died it was the marriage that survived through thick and thins.
So if you're looking for a way to crack the communication code and bring an end to the crazy cycle in your love marriage then 'love and respect' are your ways.

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