Are you plain fed up with having to deal with those forehead lines that have been appearing across your forehead recently? Or you probably have had them for a long time but just cannot seem to find a way to get rid of them.
Forehead lines are the most common signs of aging amongst both men and women.
Get ready to learn why they are appearing and what you can do to get rid of them.
Forehead lines develop because of your facial expression of knitting your brow.
They are also there because your body has gradually begun to lose its supply of collagen and elastin which helps to keep skin cells intact.
As you age your body does not adequately produce enough of these two proteins on its own so because of this slowdown of production you are beginning to see those forehead lines as well as other signs of aging such as crow's feet, wrinkles, sagging skin all over your face and neck.
Younger skin could take all the stress from smiling, frowning without worrying about wrinkles as your body produced a high level of collagen and elastin.
Young skin would bounce back into place after any kind of movement.
However with age these two proteins become less and less in your body leaving those lines and wrinkles since your skin has lost most of its elasticity.
There are several ways to treat forehead lines.
These are options available to you to choose from: 1.
Botox Injections: You can have your wrinkles filled in with synthetic collagen using Botox injection.
It gives quick result, however is temporary and has to be repeated after several months.
It is painful and expensive and comes with some risk.
Cosmetic Surgery: You can opt for cosmetic surgery to remove your forehead lines, but you and I know that this is not the safest method.
It is expensive, requires recovery time and risky.
If you plan to choose this option ensures you used a licensed physician with any years of experience.
Natural products: This is the most natural and safest method by far.
If you are able to find natural anti wrinkle cream with specially formulated ingredients then you will not have to consider those other 2 options.
Anti wrinkle cream should consist of a known wrinkle reducer known as Cynergy TK.
It is extracted from the wool of New Zealand sheep and has been proven in clinical trials to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, as it boost collagen and elastin production in your body.
Look for Cynergy TK in any anti wrinkle cream you plan to purchase to get rid of your lines on forehead and you will be amazed at the improvement in your appearance in a matter of months.