Health & Medical Lose Weight

4 Reasons Excess Belly Fat Has Many Health Risks

Did you know that having excess belly fat may be doing your body far worse that just looking unattractive? There are many negative health risks that come along with having extra belly fat in your midsection.
Hopefully, these will give you motivation to eat healthy foods and get daily exercise so you can manage the fat level on your belly.
Top 4 Health Risks From Having Excess Belly Fat: 1.
Excess Belly Fat Leads To Chronic Diseases
- Extra stomach fat isn't just a site for sore eyes, it is associated with several chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
Storing extra fat in your midsection is extremely unhealthy and increases your risk of developing one or more of these chronic conditions.
Excess Belly Fat Cells Are Active, Not Dormant
- Studies have shown that fat cells stored in the stomach are not dormant cells, but they are very active cells that produce hormones that lead to chronic diseases.
They also produce estrogen which put women at risk for breast cancer and other medical issues like uterine fibroids, or thyroid problems.
Excess Belly Fat Causes More Fat
- Fat storage in the midsection also causes certain chemical changes throughout the body that increase sweets cravings and lowers metabolism.
What this means to you is that your extra stomach fat isn't just sitting there waiting to be burned away, it is actually producing hormones that are making you more fat and causing future health problems.
Excess Belly Fat Shifts With Aging
- As people age, and especially for women, metabolism slows down which causes the body to store fat more than muscle.
Fat storage also shifts from hips and thighs to midsection.
It is possible the redistribution of body fat to cause a person's waist to increase without gaining of any weight.
For these reasons combined, it is especially important to manage the amount of fat in the stomach region.
Maintaining a low level of stomach fat is critically important to a person's overall health and longevity.
There are two kinds of fat that is stored in the stomach region: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.
Subcutaneous fat is the top layer of that between your skin and above your abdominal muscles.
The second kind of fat, visceral fat is the fat underneath the subcutaneous fat and surrounds the abdominal muscles.
Although both types of fat are associated with negative health conditions, it is visceral fat that is especially subject to chronic diseases.
In order to maintain optimal health, make sure to eat nutrient dense foods that are high in protein and fiber and low in saturated fat.
Also include lots of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet, as these include macronutrients that promote cellular function to make your body run properly.
It's also a great idea to maintain a routine exercise program that consists of many compound, full body exercises, which by the way are one of the best workouts for abs.
Now is a great time to get in shape and reduce your midsection so you can enjoy a brilliant, healthy life for many years to come.

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