You're wasting your money buying prescription drugs to cure your erection problems.
Millions of men with erectile dysfunction are purchasing these drugs from the doctor or illegally from online pharmacies that sell fake or generic versions.
What these men don't know is that there is remedy that has been used by herbalists for over a thousand years to cure erectile dysfunction as fast as possible without causing any side effects.
What is this 1,600 year old remedy called? It's an herb called Epimedium, also known as Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat, Fairy Wings or Horny Goatweed.
How does it work? The herb has an active ingredient called icariin, which increases nitric oxide levels in your body, which increases the blood flow to the genital area.
As you know, a sudden blood flow to the penis causes an erection.
ED prescription drugs such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra all work this way.
What's different about Epimedium? Epimedium is different from the chemical drugs because it's natural, and has absolutely no side effects unlike the chemical drugs.
What side effects do those prescription drugs have? Some of the common side effects are headaches, flushing, dizziness, abnormal vision and the more serious side effects are sudden death, stroke, abnormally low blood pressure and heart attacks.
Is Epimedium proven to work? You'll find many PubMed articles on the effects of Epimedium on erectile tissue.
Epimedium has been used by herbalists for approximately 1600 years to cure erectile dysfunction and alleviate back, kidney and liver pain.
Available in pill form or raw powder form, Epimedium is only effective with a dosage of over or equal to 1000mg.
There are many supplements that are being sold on the internet, that have much smaller doses.
Such weak dosages will produce unsatisfactory results.
How much are they? A bottle of Epimedium pills should cost no more than $50.
Low-quality products made with contaminated ingredients roam the internet, especially on auction websites such as eBay.
Will they cure my erectile dysfunction forever? No erectile dysfunction treatment can cure your problem completely.
Epimedium works for more than 4 hours, which is more than enough time to perform well in bed.
Some lucky men experience a temporary boost in erectile function for days.
How do I find legitimate pills online? When looking for Epimedium online, you'll want to find a reliable company that sells them without scamming you.
The guidelines for finding legitimate Epimedium online are: oThe website should contain information on how Epimedium has been used for over 10 centuries oThe website should tell you how Epimedium works oThe product shouldn't cost you more than $50 maximum oThe product should have a dose or higher or equal to 1000mg of Epimedium extract.
Go get yourself some Epimedium pills.
Every man with erection problems needs these pills to compete with younger generations and to immediately eliminate impotence.
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