Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

In Law Problems - 3 Steps You Should Take to Get Rid of Them

In law problems are real.
They can be very nasty, and, if not dealt with, can be very destructive.
The meddling into your business, caustic remarks, and unpleasantness of being around them can put a tremendous stress on your marriage and on your sanity.
Avoiding the situation because you can not think of a suitable solution to it only makes it worse.
The longer your in laws are permitted to do the things they do, the more they will interfere and try to have the final say in things.
So, how do you fix things up? In this article I'm going to present to you 3 ways to deal with your in law problems.
Ban using the word "if".
Although it is easy to ponder and wonder "what if", when dealing with in law problems, this does not solve anything with your present situation.
To entertain thoughts such as "If my mother in law would only find something to keep herself occupied.
" Or, "If we would only have enough money to move to another state.
" aren't too helpful.
These type of statements don't help you to find a solution to anything, they only make you dwell on how bad things are right now.
Your mind will not think of the right course of action to take if you are filling up your thoughts with fantasies.
Stop dreaming.
We don't live in the land of Oz where just wishing for things makes them happen.
In our world, hoping and dreaming is only helpful when it is coupled with concrete actions.
Dreaming on it's own it is not an end unto itself.
It is good to inspire you, to motivate you and to help you finish a task.
However, to solve problems, you must take ACTION.
Do something, anything.
Have you ever heard about the butterfly effect? (The fluttering of a butterfly's wings in China can effect climate changes on the other side of the planet.
) Simply put it means that a little action can turn into something huge.
Pick a small thing to do to make your relationship with your in laws better and look how things evolve.
In law problems are not something just to laugh at.
They can be very destructive and costly.
If you are experiencing some right now, don't just sit back and dream about how things could be.
Take action on those thoughts and follow your plan through, starting with the little things.
If you can not think of ways to make it better, visit your library and look for resources in the self help section, go online and find a support group, ask for help on yahoo questions and answers.
There is a lot of help available for those who take action and work towards making their situation with their in laws better.
You are not alone and fixing your in law problems can be done if you only take the time and care to do it.

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