The vast majority of non-profit and charitable organizations are serious about their mission. But once in awhile, scammers take advantage and defraud donors. This can happen anywhere, including in Brooklyn. What do you do, as a Brooklyn resident, if you believe you've been scammed? Call the local Brooklyn police precinct?
About Charity Scams in General
If you think you may have been defrauded, contact the authorities, for instance, Internet Crime Complaint Center, a partnership of the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center and the Bureau of Justice Assistance.For more tips, see New York State Consumer Protection Board.
About Charity Scams Relating to International Crises, Disasters, Humanitarian Crises
When a humanitarian crisis makes headline news, many people are moved to make a charitable contribution. Sometimes, with the best of intentions, they are taken advantage of. The New York State Consumer Protection Board has a special web page devoted to the topic. You also can call the National Center for Disaster Fraud at 1-866-720-5721.How to Check Out a Brooklyn Charity