Everyone has had one.
Everyone definitely knows how painful one can be.
Yes, I'm talking about a break-up.
They suck! That's pretty blunt, but it's the truth.
They are no fun at all.
I'm going to ask you one question.
Why are you still struggling with the break-up? Let me teach you the secrets to win your ex girlfriend back.
Don't worry, you'll have her back in no time with this fool proof method.
Avoid Contact Alright, so first step to win your ex girlfriend back.
You need to avoid contact with her.
Now this obviously doesn't mean avoid contact with her for all time.
A good number is two weeks.
No contact.
Two weeks.
If you can accomplish this step, you should be happy, because you'll be ahead of the game! Don't Be Bothered The second step to win your ex girlfriend back.
Don't let her know that she is getting to you.
Sure, the whole break-up may get to you, it's natural that it does.
It's alright.
You just can't let her know that.
Wanna' know what's gonna happen when you are successful with this step? She's going to start wondering why you aren't showing any concern.
She will start to get bothered.
This is what we want if you are going to win your ex girlfriend back.
Flirting The last step is fun because it involves flirting.
Now that you have her attention you need to give her a little bit of attention.
Flirt with her a little bit.
But don't stop there, you need to give her a reason to go after you.
Women love a challenge, and you need to give her one.
Guess what you have to do now? Flirt with other women.
Once you've shown her a little attention, you need to show her that she isn't the only one on your mind.
This will initiate a challenge for her, and she will compete! This is the final step to win your ex girlfriend back.