The body produces creatine in the form of creatine phosphate, which can provide an energy boost so fast that the muscles use it as their primary fuel.
The most common form of creatine supplement is creatine monohydrate, which is a precursor to creatine phosphate.
How Does Creatine Work? Creatine is a natural continuing amino acid that is formulated in the human body; it is beneficial in endurance sports, which is characterized by a consistent level of activity done over an extended or prolonged period of time.
Creatine is helpful in sustaining strength and energy supply in endurance sports by giving the body plenty of energy fuel supply to pull from during extended periods of workout or training.
This way, you will be able to do more interval repetitions during your training.
This is how creatine helps boost and maintain endurance.
Creatine is also found beneficial in sports that require intense but rapid activity done over a shorter period of time.
This is because creatine helps the body create more ATP, which provides the body with rapid bursts of energy when necessary.
The energy provided by ATP runs out in just 30 seconds, so sufficient creatine is necessary to replenish the body's ATP supply.
This is particularly helpful in helping athletes maintain their peak energy during the time it is most needed.
The benefits of creatine in both short and extended periods of training and performance are what make it very popular among athletes of all types.
This is why most athletes take creatine monohydrate supplements, which is not banned or is considered completely legal by most sports organizations including NCAA, FIFA, and even in the Olympics.
Consuming a load of Creatine can improve performance on the following sports:
- Bodybuilding
- Football
- Baseball
- Wresting
- Hockey
- Basketball
- Rugby
- Rowing
It has been known to be used by patients suffering from Dementia.
Creatine supplements come in a variety of ways, i.
liquid, bars or a powder.
Be sure to consult your doctor or nutritionist of the amount you consume.