It is arguably the most important thing a man on the prowl needs.
Unless you have the confidence to approach a woman, deliver your line or execute the pick up technique you have chosen, there is no chance you will succeed.
Now the problem is that many men don't have this confidence because they are so afraid of failing.
It is generally known that the possibility of failure when attracting beautiful women is a reality.
The problem occurs when men cannot accept that reality.
Subconsciously they cannot accept a world wherein they fail.
It's too big a blow to their already fragile egos.
They don't want to fail and they'd rather not face that possibility, so in the end they never go up to the woman.
Now, plenty of people will tell you to "fake it till you make it" or basically to appear confident until you realize that you have become confident.
While this advice works for most, the truth is that it is very difficult to do because it doesn't help you overcome the fear of failure.
It doesn't help you accept the possibility of failure when attracting beautiful women.
So, instead of faking it till you make it, look at thing this way: plan to fail.
Everyone plans to succeed, but if you plan to fail, nothing is going to stop you.
After all, when you fail, you know your plan worked.
This sounds crazy, but in some cases it really does work.
When you plan to fail you have accepted that you will fail.
This means you can say whatever you want, do whatever you want and know the end result.
It will make you bolder.
For example, you see a woman in a club.
If you're hoping to succeed, you will lack the confidence.
However, if you're planning on failure, you know you can try anything.
So you go up to her, introduce yourself, start flirting and using these lines you read somewhere, and as the conversation continues, you keep pushing the limits.
One of two things will happen.
The woman will like your bold attitude and keep talking to you, or, she will reject you immediately.
And when you get rejected, you walk away without a problem because you planned for it to happen.
Again, it sounds crazy.
Here's the thing.
The more you do this, the more you overcome your fears.
You will know what it feels like to be rejected and know that it isn't a big deal.
When you finally tame down your statements and switch to more subtle flirting, you will find that it's so easy to be accepted by women! Sometimes the craziest techniques are the ones that work when it comes to attracting beautiful women.
Want more winning techniques? Check out Black Belt Seduction today!
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