The concern is a state of distressing uneasiness generated by the anxieties of the past sufferings of the present and the pessimistic pressure about tomorrow.
The concern is a trigger to serious problems faced by modern society like work stress, emotional instability, an increase in the consumption of tranquilizers, the decline of the working environment in enterprises and alteration of the relationships between members of the family.
According to the dictionary, concern is the care and provision of any hazardous or adverse contingency.
Worry is defined as putting the mind in careful mode, thus remaining fixed in thought, matter or contingency.
When someone is really concerned about what is going to occupy his thoughts on many issues, it may turn out that some of them are worthwhile and useful, but others are actually harmful and destructive.
A person steeped in concern is known for his impatience, anxiety, anguish and despair.
His life is full of loads and their hearts seem to point to a bomb exploding and breaking into a thousand pieces.
The concern is mainly for omens and ill omens, of course.
The athlete wants to win the competition in that part, but he knows that an adverse outcome is possible, when he starts thinking in that scene permanently and sometimes irrationally.
The executive of a firm has knowledge and experience necessary to lead his organization towards achieving the objectives, but he knows that failure will be on the lookout and therefore considers it as the probability of a non desirable event to face.
Thinking about the failure it is not recommended but may be considered normal, that the thinking of failure has only one outcome and it is extremely dangerous and a source of concern.
The concern is not a state of society but it is a condition of human frailty, confronted with an unknown tomorrow challenging, defiant and riddled with risks.
Some scholars have regarded it as a sin because it shows lack of faith in God (Abraham never worried about the fate of his son when God ordered him to be killed), or because it is a manifestation of disobedience (Abraham did not refuse to comply with the order of the Creator).
But the concern is inherent in human beings and being trapped in it is a part of the weakness and imperfection that characterizes us.
We have a good dose of confidence in God and ourselves.
It is also good to note that we have not taken much from any real disagreements or a legitimate concern of the good times and that's why we are motivated, creative and owners of our amazing initiatives.
Targeted by concerns we calmly analyze the facts and we direct our thoughts towards it, what is really important when concerns have guided the constructive energies of our being to prevent and resolve problems.
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