As creative people, we can, ironically, at times be very un-creative in our ways of thinking.
We may have certain ideas, habits or assumptions that are burned into our behaviours and we simply do without questioning whether there is a better way, or even if there is another way at all.
What's Reframing? Reframing is a way to look at situations, behaviours and motivations in different ways and finding new perspectives.
If we think literally about reframing a picture, a sleek black modern frame around an old master or landscape is likely to makes us look at the painting within rather differently.
Similarly, a decadent gilt-edged gold frame around a modern piece of abstract expressionism is likely to cause an unexpected and different reaction too.
Let's consider two elements to reframing.
Firstly, reframing a negative inner voice or critic - Find the Positive Intention We all are aware of negative thoughts that crop up in our minds at the most inconvenient times.
Consider looking at these slightly differently though.
The next time you have a negative or critical voice in your head, stop and ask what the positive intention is behind that voice or criticism.
Be open to a number of possibilities.
Often, our inner critic will go into overload when we're approaching something new or different, simply as a way of trying to protect us.
Often too, the protection is from "failing".
The logic here is simple - "If you don't try, you can't fail".
Keep asking your inner critical voice what the positive intention is behind the negative criticism, until you can agree.
What is it exactly that you're inner critic wants to achieve by criticising you in this way? New method, same result Next, use your creativity to find all the other possible ways you can achieve the same positive intention, the same outcome your inner critic wants to achieve by criticising you.
Make the assumption that there ARE different - and possibly better - ways of getting the same outcome.
Pick three of the best options then imagine going through each of these in your mind, and experiencing the outcome.
Reframing situations Another way reframing can help us exercise and increase our creativity is to look at everyday situations in new ways, and consider what the stories behind them may be.
Imagine a young man walking down the street wearing a certain pair of designer sports shoes.
What could the possible reasons be that he's wearing this particular brand and style? Maybe it's because they're the latest model from this manufacturer and all his friends wear them? Maybe he worked for a rival brand and left on bad terms and is wearing them as an act of defiance? It could be that his father works for the company and gets the sports shoes at a cheaper price? Or he has a foot injury and these are the only shoes he's tried that he finds comfortable? Or maybe he just liked the colour..
? This is just a simple example and of course there could be many other alternative explanations.
The point is, we can look at a very simple scenario and imagine a whole host of possible ways of looking at it, or "reframing" it.
Practice this short exercise yourself and imagine the most wild and implausible background intentions and stories to everyday happenings.
Use reframing to inspire your own creative work Both of the above methods help us look at common everyday occurrences in a different way.
How can you apply the idea of reframing to your own creative works? Whatever creative projects you're currently working on, think of all the different ways you could look at them, the different ways ANYONE could look at them, and use this to inspire you in different directions.
Maybe that new painting you're working on is a special commission for the King of Spain? Maybe it's going to be a purely physical painting, the first you've ever painted without a story behind it? Maybe it's going to be the quickest painting you've ever done? Or the slowest? These are just possible ideas of what the piece of work might be about, they don't have to be true even.
Sometimes a simple reframe is all we need to get us started again on a difficult project.
The more imaginative you can be, and the more you can use these ideas, the easier and more spontaneous your creativity will become.
© Copyright 2006 Dan Goodwin.
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