Being tall is great in many ways.
However there are disadvantages to being tall also.
Some people like to poke fun at taller people by making jokes that reference their height.
Tall jokes can be entertaining, but can also be a cause of hurt to tall people.
How to deal with this is important to maintaining self esteem.
Often driven by jealousy, making jokes about a tall persons height is an all too common occurrence.
Sometimes delivered with deliberate intent to cause hurt, but sometimes in innocent fun, tall people must learn to live with hearing jokes about their height.
Taller males are in a better position to emotionally deal with handling this type of scenario as society deems being tall to be a desirable quality in males.
Going back to man being a hunter gatherer type animal, being tall represented more opportunity to survive the challenges that prehistoric life presented.
Hence taller men usually carry a level of confidence that allow them to deal with a tall joke scenario.
Taller ladies may also be subjected to attempted ridicule over their height.
Likewise it's important that they are emotionally equipped to have the strength to deal with such juvenile behavior as using jokes about tall folks.
Taller ladies should be proud of their elegant stature, but may also choose to be cognisant of their clothing so as not to over play their height.
At all times they must keep in mind that the advantages of being tall far outweigh the disadvantages of being tall.
Hence coping with the occasional tall person joke should be seen as one of those occasional hazards of tall stature.
If you choose to tell jokes about tall ladies or gentlemen in public, be aware of the hurt they could cause.
Most times it will be innocent fun between friends and us tall people will not take offense, especially if we are not within earshot.
But think before you joke about tall people.
For some inoffensive jokes about tall people and lots more on the joys of being tall, please go to http://www.
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