Health & Medical Lose Weight

Safe Diets - Water Is Always A Main Ingredient!

In our quest for safe diets that will take off the tonnage fast and easily - without destroying our health, Don't forget the water. It's easy to forget, but should be a big part of all safe diets.

In safe diets, water plays a huge role. The theory that water will help you lose weight is widespread, popular and generally accepted. As part of our safe diets, we can use all the help we can get, so let's investigate further.

It may seem to be an over-simplification, but virtually all safe diets are about one thing...take in fewer calories than you burn. Easy does water play into the mix?

Zero calories means that you never have to think twice about having that refreshing glass of water. It should become a daily habit cut back on other beverages and drink more water! Water helps safe diets in several ways that most of us have never considered.

First...No calories means - no extra weight! Drink whenever you want, it won't hurt your diet. Adding a glass of water before each meal will help you to eat less too!

Second...Water helps hydrate your blood, assists in live function, cleans the kidneys and flushes out the toxins that have been building up in our bodies. The general well being and health benefits are almost limitless.

Third...If you, like most of us, have been feeling tired, sluggish and prone to headaches for most of your life - it's probably because you don't drink enough water. Your brain functions are enhanced by drinking water through the day and it eliminates many of those symptoms. A glass when you first wake up in the morning will kick start your brain and make you feel alert and alive.

No safe diets will avoid telling you to drop the sugar based drinks. Carbonated sodas, sugar added coffee, sugar added fruit juice and all the others. So, what can we drink? Many of us gravitate to diet drinks. Not a good idea, they contain chemicals that are really bad news. Obviously the safe alternative is water.

Carbonated beverages are not just full of sugar (empty calories). They are packed with sodium (heart problems), caffeine (addictive), food colorings (cancer), and other chemicals (carcinogens, hormone imbalances and damaged brain cells).

Safe diets ALL throw them out, they have no added nutrition and are nothing but fat inducing empty calories. Do whatever is necessary to wean yourself away and you'll feel so much better, you'll never want one again.

Some of us don't like the taste of our water. If tap water isn't to your liking, get a water filter. (Probably a good idea to get one even if the water tastes ok.) Or, you could buy commercially available spring water.

Try several brands to find one you like. Different brands don't taste the same.

Water is a supplement, not a replacement for food. Many of us are tempted to drink enough so that we feel full and don't want to eat, but no safe diets would have you do this. It's dangerous and risky. However, when tempted to reach for a juice or cola, go for the water bottle instead.

For a ton more info on safe diets, check out my website and get a copy of my FREE "Fast Weight Loss Tips!" mini-course.

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