Category : Anxiety : Health & Medical

How Stress Can Affect Your Body

Although small doses of can act as energizers, and motivators, helping you to perform better, the physiological effects of long-term and heavy stress are neither pretty nor healthy! Your mind, your psyche, and your body, will end up paying a heavy price for a high-powered lifestyle, unless you can c

Panic and Anxiety Attacks 101

When experiencing panic and anxiety attacks, there is a sudden and overwhelming rush of a combination of physical symptoms as well as mental or emotional distress, which include heart palpitations and the feeling of dying or going crazy.The first episode of a panic attack often occurs during a disti

What Can Trigger A Panic Attack?

Panic attacks are sudden episodes that are characterized by a shortness of breath and chest pains as well as an overwhelming crippling sensation of fear and anxiety. They are also associated with a wide range of symptoms that can vary from person to person. There are many things that can trigger a p

Haunting Sounds and Imagery

I accept full responsibility for my fall as I should never have taken two wild dogs on leashes that I wrapped around my wrists, but it was still a horrible, earth-smacking surprise that has been difficult to erase from my ears and mind. The sounds and imagery are haunting.