Category : Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

Fire Fighting and Healthy Forests

There is debate about the methodology of forestry and also debate on Global Warming and the disappearance of our natural resources on the surface, namely forests and Rain Forests. Last year the Alaska Fire burned over 280,000 acres in the very first day and it continued to grow as all big fires do.

Federal Voting Rights Laws

Congress enacted several voting rights acts to ensure all American citizens have the opportunity to america image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comVoting provides American citizens the ability to influence decisions regarding their country. Historically, some citizens were denied...

Commandments, Not Suggestions? Why Is God Pushy, or Is It for Self-Government Like the Constitution?

Self-government is the basis of freedom, and the U.S. Constitution wisely provides for numerous liberties not found in other countries. The 10 Commandments were also a document of self-government. Living within those guidelines was the foundation for a free and happy people for 200 years. Why not no