- 1). For pretty bare feet, it's important to soak your feet in warm water for 20 to 30 minutes. Add Ebsom salts to help relieve stress and loosen dead skin. If desired, mix a cup of Ebsom salts with olive oil to make a paste. Massage feet with the Ebsom salts and olive oil paste. Be sure to remove any polish before or during your Ebsom salts foot bath. After your feet have soaked for at least 20 minutes, use a pumice stone to remove old skin. Rinse feet well.
- 2). Dry off your bare feet. Trim and file nails into a square shape to avoid ingrown toenails. Gently use a cuticle stick to push back toe cuticles. Cuticles should not be trimmed with scissors because cuticles keep bacteria from entering your skin.
- 3). Use alcohol to clean off toenails. Polish toenails with a clear base coat. After a few minutes and if you desire color on your toes, apply regular nail polish. Polish toenails with a top coat to keep your pretty bare feet looking beautiful for a longer time.
- 4). To have pretty bare feet for spring when feet are really dry, slather feet with a favorite lotion. Then cover feet with gallon size freezer bags. Use a hair band to secure the bags on feet for fifteen to thirty minutes. After removing the bags, feet will be extra smooth and soft.
- 5). If your pretty bare feet have been really suffering through the winter months and need a supercharged exfoliation, start rubbing vegetable oil onto your feet each night before bed. Then cover with your feet with socks. After your morning shower, file off the rough skin on your feet with a foot scraper or callus remover. Rinse feet, dry, and add foot lotion. In a few days your pretty bare feet will be ready for spring.
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