Society & Culture & Entertainment Books & Literature

How to Fake Cry in Acting

    • 1). Think about what makes you sad. Is there a certain memory that brings you to tears? Is there a scene from a movie or passage from a book that gets you every time? Pretty much everyone has at least one trigger and many people have several.

    • 2). Do your trigger. Think about that terribly sad memory, or read that tear-jerking paragraph. Linger and mope. Brood on it. Picture yourself crying.

    • 3). If it works, practice triggering the tears. Try to cry more quickly every time you think about that one sad thing. Soon, you should be able to start bawling on command.

    • 4). If it doesn't work, try drying out your eyes. Hold your eyelids open with your fingers until your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable. This should start the tears coming.

    • 5). Once your eyes start to tear up, close them and scrunch up your face. Picture yourself really crying. Try to start.

    • 6). Start sobbing. Take quick, irregular gulps of air. Try to make your lungs feel shaky and tight.

    • 7). Combine techniques. As you induce crying by drying out your eyes and making yourself sob, think of something sad. Often, it is possible to make yourself feel emotions just by making your body do what it does when you feel that emotion. Making your eyes run and starting to sob will make you feel sad which, in turn, will make you cry more.

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