1Read some fables to get examples of published works. Good sources include "Aesop's Fables," "The Jakata Tales," Hans Christian Anderson and Dr. Seuss. Identify lessons learned from fables, such as the drawbacks of lying (in "The Boy Who Cried Wolf") or that beauty resides inside (in "The Ugly Duckling").
Choose a moral or lesson that you want your characters to learn.
Introduce your characters. Describe them. Determine their personality traits and how they will act. Think about the dialogue.
Describe your setting. Choose the place and time of your fable. This can be real or imaginary.
Develop a plot. Decide what happens, what the major problem or the conflict is and who learns the lesson and how. What is the surprise or unexpected element in the story?
End the story. Determine how the characters solve the problem and learn their lesson.
Write several drafts. Let the draft sit for several days and return to it later with fresh eyes. Proofread and share it.