Health & Medical Healthy Living

What Are the Pros & Cons of Having Dentures?

    Advantage - Natural Appearance

    • A tremendous benefit of dentures comes in its natural appearance. Seldom will people be able to tell dentures from real teeth. Not only that, but dentures are designed to give you a perfect smile, meaning that they might actually look better than your real teeth ever did.

    Advantage -- Durability

    • Some patient's main concern lay in denture replacement and how often this will have to be done. One of the main advantages of dentures is their lifespan. Dentures are built to last. Even with constant daily use, they are still designed to last from five to 10 years.

    Disadvantage -- Temporary Problems

    • Dentures are no minor change --- they involve literally placing a new set of teeth in your mouth. This doesn't come without its challenges. The first problem often focuses on speech, where dentures can alter, limit and affect the way you speak, usually causing slurring or lisps when you first get them. Speech issues are usually among the first of the temporary issues, disappearing within a few days.

      Another issue is mouth soreness, which can come from a couple of things. One problem area is mouth sores, which can result from the dentures rubbing against the inside of the mouth. The other problem is with using muscles excessively in the mouth that previously haven't been used. This occurs since muscles in the mouth hold dentures in place.

    Disadvantage -- Long-term Problems

    • With dentures, there are relatively few long-term problems. One issue is with hygiene and wearing dentures over the recommended time frame. Lack of hygiene and leaving dentures in for longer periods than is recommended can both result in mouth sores.

      Although dentures are built to last, they must often be replaced sooner due to issues with your mouth's structure changing. Dentures must be custom fit, which means that any changes in your mouth require a new fitting for your dentures.

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