Getting back together with an ex can sometimes be a very hard thing to do.
The reason behind this is that you may not be doing the necessary things in order to get back together.
Many of us make common mistakes and instead of making the situation better, we often make it worse.
To avoid this, take some time to think what you need to do, before you actually do anything.
Take some time to think about the reasons behind your breakup, whose fault it was, and what you have said to each other when you broke up.
Thinking about it may provide you with some important information that you didn't think was that important during that time.
Maybe you were too stressed to think clearly and now, after the fact, you realize what you have done wrong, and you should have done instead.
Realizing your mistake and wanting to fix it is the key to getting back together with an ex.
If you tell her that you were too nervous to think when you said this and that, she will most likely understand and forgive you.
Tell that after you have had time to think about it, what you really wanted to tell her is that you don't want to break up and that you love her (or like her) a lot and you want to get back together.
This will make her fee reassured that you really want to get back together and you are not just playing with her, as a twisted mind game to get revenge and make her look like a fool in front of everybody.
Being honest with your ex about your feeling is great but is not always enough to rebuild your relationship.
Sometimes girls need to see actions rather than words in order to consider getting back together with an ex.
As you have probably heard - "An action is worth a hundred words".
So don't just tell her you love him or her and want them back.
Show them! A nice present may be a great way to say that you are sorry or that you love someone.
Remember what she likes.
When you were together did she talk about a band that she likes a lot? Then you can get her tickets to a concert.
If she has mentioned that she likes the mountains - take to a picnic some place interesting.
You can take her mountain biking, horse riding, or any other exciting activity that comes to mind.
If, for example, she is scared of heights don't take her rock climbing.
Aim for a surprise that she will enjoy, not be scared of.
Getting back together with an ex may not happen over night.
Be patient and persistent, but not creepy.
Be honest with your ex and may he or she will be honest with you in return.
If things don't work out (sometimes this will happen as well) don't become obsessed with the idea of getting back together with an ex.
Find a new hobby - something to take you mind off your ex, and maybe he or she will come back to you.
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