- 1). Decide whether to use cocoa powder, walnut husks or coffee beans to create a dark brown dye. Grind the walnut husks or the coffee beans if you are using those for the dye. Measure out 1/2 cup of the natural cocoa, walnut husks or coffee grinds. Wear gloves to avoid temporary dying of your skin.
- 2). Pour the ground plant material or powder into a large pot. Add one cup of water to the pot and bring the solution to a boil. Turn the heat to low and allow the solution to simmer for approximately one hour.
- 3). Wash the fabric that is going to be dyed then place the fabric in a solution that is four to one water to vinegar. Allow the fabric to steep in this solution for at least one hour. This solution allows the dye to become "fixed" to the fabric.
- 4). Place the fabric and the vinegar solution into the pot with dye on the stove. Allow the fabric and dye to simmer until a dark brown color has been achieved. Wash the fabric in cold water by itself so that no dye is transferred to other fabrics.