Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Choose Baby"s Gender - How to Use Natural Methods to Get the Gender You Want

You don't always have to dish out hundreds or thousands of dollars in order to influence the gender of your baby.
If you have your heart set on a beautiful baby boy or a precious little girl, then you should be able to make that dream a reality.
You should be able to have a say on what gender you give birth to and you shouldn't have to go through a long and expensive process to make that happen.
You can choose your baby's gender using natural methods that will not only work beautifully for you, but you will also be able to save a lot of money.
Just because you are using natural methods instead of using the more expensive ones, it doesn't mean that your results are going to be influenced negatively in any way.
You will still get the gender that you want, you just save some health risks and money.
The best part about using natural methods to get the gender that you want is that you can start them today.
Nothing is holding you back from influencing the gender of your child.
You need to learn about some methods so you can start today.
A great way to choose the gender of your baby is to have sex at a certain time in the day.
If you aren't already pregnant, then sex can play a very important role in the gender of your baby.
If you want to have a boy then you need to have sex in the morning.
That is when your body' temperature is in favor of the development of a male.
As well, you should have an orgasm before your spouse does so the cervix dilates and then the sperm has a clear path to the egg.
If you want to have a baby girl, then having sex in the afternoon is the best time for you.
Make sure that your partner has an orgasm first because that affects how the sperm hits the egg and all of this goes into the development of gender.
If you are already pregnant, have no fear.
You can still choose your baby' gender by changing the foods that you eat.
If you want to have a baby boy, then you should only eat alkaline-based foods for the next 9 months.
This helps to create a certain pH within your body that is highly favorable for a baby boy to grow in.
The opposite is for a girl, so eat lots of acidic foods if you want to have a little baby girl in your life.

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