Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Dumb Pick Up Lines That Make Women Laugh

Every man knows how intimidating it can be to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman. She's standing across the room, surrounded by a gaggle of her friends, and you're left to your own devices to figure out the best way to approach her.

Unfortunately, you decide to take the advice of your comrades and use one of their dumb pick up lines.

And no sooner do you speak these words than she walks away from you, repulsed.

It's obvious you blew your chances because you used such a phony pick up technique.

That's the problem with dumb pick up lines€"they never actually work to get a woman's positive attention. Instead of using them, you should try coming up with unique and original things to say to her.

Here are several effective methods that are successful in garnering a woman's positive attention:

1) Situational conversation starter-

It's important to learn how to use your environment to your advantage. If you happen to see something that's especially strange or funny, use it as an opportunity to strike up a conversation with a woman who also witnessed the event. By telling a joke or making a witty remark about what you saw, you'll not only appease any awkwardness about the situation, but you'll be showing her that you have a laid-back, positive attitude.

2) Just be yourself-

While it might sound overly simple, walking up to a woman and introducing yourself is an efficient way to initiate a dialogue. When you use this technique, you're avoiding the mistakes that the majority of other men succumb to. Your confident demeanor and the fact that you aren't using crazy gimmicks to get her attention will be refreshing to her. She'll appreciate your straightforwardness and honesty.

3) Be Funny

There are few things more attractive to a woman than a sense of humor. When using this technique, it's important to carry yourself confidently when attempting to make her laugh.

Seize every chance you can to tease her and build yourself up as a prize she should try to win for herself. This method is especially successful because you're not being overly blatant about the fact you're trying to win her over.

Dumb pick up lines rarely work to get a woman's positive attention. Before you decide to use one of them, you should consider your other options.

Try using one of the above pick up methods next time you decide to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman. You'll be pleased with how much more effective they are than dumb pick up lines.

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