Smashing Through Writers Block
I think the difference between winning and losing in the writing business is that the winners actually write something. Writing the perfect paragraph should only be attempted on the second or third draft of your masterpiece. Initially you need to get your story down on paper or saved on to a hard drive or disc. There are times when you write and it feels like energy flowing out your hands as your story and ideas flow and form on to the page without the slightest bit of effort. There are other times when it feels like someone has turned the light off in your brain and you think all your ideas have been used up. I find the best solution for this is to write about something else but make sure that you write.
Describe a tree; explain what it feels like to eat a pear and what it tastes like to someone who has never experienced it before. Think about being part of a Star Trek Away Team you have just beam on to an exotic planet. What do you see? What would it be like for a new born bear cub to experience nature and the wild for the first time?
I find the best way for me to overcome writers block is to get the character on to a bridge and then get to the other side and describe what is there. Once I have described a few things I then start asking questions. My favourite is why? Why is the bridge made of stone not iron? What time of day is it? This can stimulate your brain. What is also good is to change your surroundings. Ask yourself a lot of questions and then go for a walk. Your mind will automatically look for answers so when you come back from your walk scribble on a notepad. What you write does not have to make sense but could be just what you are looking for when you get stuck further along in your novel. Keep a small notebook with you. Ideas come to you constantly at the weirdest times. Get them down in your notebook so that they are not forgotten forever. What I like about describing things is that you can always use that paragraph somewhere which could turn out to be quite important. Why are there imperfections in the tree? Is there something hidden in it? How did it get there?
I forget where I heard the saying but a huge waterfall starts with one drop of water. Similarly your book or article starts with the first word. Keep reading books and magazines for constant ideas and always ask why? If you think something is good write it in your notebook. Read the paper everyday and read the horoscope of your character to find out how his or her day is going. I find that I have a number of notebooks now which I can flick through for quick inspiration to get my brain to start firing off fresh new ideas which inspire pages worth of writing.
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