Category : Anxiety : Health & Medical

What Are Anxiety Attacks?

Anxiety attacks are intensified feelings of fear and anxiety that can come out of nowhere. Anxiety attacks can be associated with one or more physical symptoms, which include: fast breathing, rapid heart beat, shaking, pins and needles in the arm and or face and general dizzy and light headed feelin

Child Anxiety Disorder

Any child can feel anxious at times. Many youngsters, for example, show great distress when separated from their parents, and preschoolers are often frightened of people they do not know, or perhaps the dark. This is quite normal and usually passes quickly.

Nail-Biting-Topic Overview

Nail - biting (onychophagia) is a common stress - relieving habit. You may bite your nails in times of stress or excitement, or in times of boredom or inactivity. It can also be a learned behavior from family members. Nail - biting is the most common of the typical "nervous habits, " ...