Category : Fly Fishing : Travel & Places

About Boat Aerators

Fly Fishing
Boats and fishing go together naturally. Many fishing boats have livewells built in to keep fish. It doesn't matter if you have a 15-foot bass boat, or a 20-four foot Boston Whaler, or whether it is on a lake, ocean or river, a boat with a livewell and aerator enhances the entire experience. Aerator

How to Make Fishing Leaders

Fly Fishing
Fishing leaders are made from heavier pound test lines and are tied on the end of the line. The heavier test prevents break offs and resists abrasions. Heavier lines are used for larger fish. For instance 30 pound test is ideal for striped bass, while 20 pound test leaders are fine for lake trout an

Spring Bass Fishing Bait Tips

Fly Fishing
Bass fishing during the spring is often a shallow-water affair. While some bass are in deep water at some points during the day, most also will move into shallow water to feed. When they are added to the bass that are already shallow, the result can be a bass bonanza. Anglers have a variety of lure

Ideas for Fish Tank Stands

Fly Fishing
There are many options for fish tank stands.aquarium fish 8 image by cherie from Fotolia.comPurchasing an aquarium is not all there is to starting a fish collection. You must also consider where you will put the tank. There are many options out there for housing a fish tank. Just...

How to Tie a Method Feeder Rig

Fly Fishing
Method-feeder rigs are often used by hobby fisherman, as well as commercial fisherman, to attract fish and catch them. Carp are the fish most commonly caught using this method of fishing. Ground bait is pushed in to the weighted, pear-shaped feeder that is attached to the line with a swivel to attra

How to Make Acrylic Aquariums

Fly Fishing
Building your own acrylic aquarium is possible to do at home with a few supplies and some basic instructions. Purchase precut pieces of clear acrylic from a local hardware store to your desired dimensions. You need at least five pieces of acrylic, one for each side wall and one for the bottom. This

DIY: Fishing Rod Storage

Fly Fishing
Storage of fishing rods is an important part of being sure your equipment is maintained in good shape and ready to use when it's time to take that fishing trip. There are many methods to store fishing rods; some depend on the type of rod, most are simple to plan and use and are a space saver as well

How to Make a Jig & Pig

Fly Fishing
If you asked a random sample of experienced bass fishermen about the one lure they would use if they had to choose one, it's a good bet that many of them would opt for a jig and pig. A lead-head, skirted jig with a fiber weedguard constitutes the jig, while a plastic or pork trailer constitutes the

Fish Pond Parasites

Fly Fishing
Fish ponds can make lovely accessories to outdoor gardens. They also take a lot of work to ensure that the fish and water remain healthy. Parasites are common pests that can invade ponds and disrupt the ecosystem, but many parasites are microscopic and cannot be seen by the naked eye. This invasion