Diabetes is a condition caused due to accumulation of sugar in the body.
The reason for this is the shortage of production of a hormone called Insulin produced by the pancreas.
Insulin enables cells to absorb sugar (glucose) and process them into energy.
When there is a shortage of Insulin in the body, the sugar (glucose) produced in the body is not properly used.
This results in excessive sugar production which is not broken into energy.
This causes glucose to accumulate in the blood as thus becoming the root cause for various complications related to Heart, Kidneys etc; Diet for Diabetes: Diabetics often complain about the lack of energy in the body.
People having Diabetes are prone to major complications and may also result in organ failure.
The secret for a Diabetic patient to be healthy is to have proper diet and give the body proper exercise.
The main problem for diabetics is accumulation of excessive carbohydrates in the body.
So proper care is to be taken to see that a person with diabetes is active throughout the day, which is possible by consuming small meals multiple times than a single heavy meal.
For example, Indians are acquainted to have heavy meals few times a day and rice being the staple food.
Rice and other substances are rich in carbohydrates and further aggravate the diabetic condition of the patient.
So, a Diabetic must consume meals of small quantity multiple times a day with little carbohydrates and more protein and fiber.
Recipes for Diabetics include whole grain, wheat, vegetables, bread.
Meat should be avoided as it has high calorific value.
Avoid excess consumption of fruits as they increase the sugar levels in the body.
People with diabetes can opt for wheat, wheat bread, vegetable salads, sandwiches and other vegetable juices at regular intervals.
Papaya can be consumed by diabetics as it breaks down the carbohydrates in the body.
Fat products like butter, cheese etc; should be avoided as they may increase the weight of the person resulting in other complications.
Regular exercise keeps the body active.
Walking 20 minutes daily is recommended to breakdown sugar, increase metabolism and burn calories.
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