Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Identify Initial Pregnancy Symptoms

Have you been feeling uneasy since the past few days, without having an apparent reason to feel this way? Do you suspect that these might be pregnancy symptoms? Well, it is best to confirm whether or not you are pregnant from your physician, but for your own information, the following are the symptoms that occur early into your pregnancy: Nausea Nausea and vomiting are the very first signs of pregnancy.
These symptoms, collectively termed as 'morning sickness', appear within the first few days of pregnancy.
Of course, these could also be some normal symptoms of some nasty indigestion.
But if these continue, you should know to suspect pregnancy.
Lightness in the head The changing hormones during pregnancy make a woman feel faint and light-headed as early as a week to 10 days of pregnancy.
If you are feeling unusually giddy or slightly fuzzy at any time during the day and nothing else seems to be wrong otherwise, you may think of visiting your gynecologist! Missed period A missed period is one of the most major indications of pregnancy.
Some women experience very light spotting or bleeding, which they might mistake for a period.
Implantation bleeding sometimes occurs when the little embryo or fertilized egg tries to lodge itself in the endometrial lining.
This bleeding is usually extremely light and also different in color from the normal menstrual bleeding.
So do not get fooled by this occurrence and keep your eyes open for other signs of pregnancy! Tiredness Many pregnant women report a feeling of extreme fatigue early into their pregnancy.
This fatigue comes about due to the physiological changes taking place in the body, trying to adjust to make place for one more life inside of you! If you have been feeling extra tired and it is not due to anemia or some such thing, it may well be because you are a mother in the making! Irritability A lot of women complain of feeling irritable during their pregnancy.
This is perfectly normal, so you do not need to wonder if pregnancy actually leads to personality changes! Many women even become over-sensitive to certain flavors and smells they used to like before their pregnancy.
Due to the raging hormonal and other changes taking place in the body during pregnancy, your whole attitude towards life could take an about turn, leaving you wondering and feeling completely overwhelmed.
Tenderness and swelling Women often complain of some sense of feeling all swollen up during their pregnancy.
Lying down and keeping your legs stretched straight, placing them over some pillows usually helps the problem.
Breast tenderness is yet another very common issue associated with pregnancy.
This can occur within a week of pregnancy.
Some women also report a feeling of increased bust size, very early into their pregnancy.
If you think you have been experiencing one or more of the above-mentioned pregnancy symptoms, you should think of visiting your doctor immediately and confirming the same.
Pregnancy can be a joyous time, but can also be a little tedious and painstaking for you.
Just get ready to grin and bear it all and think of how great it will be to have a little one to take care of, very soon!

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