Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Video: How to Spot a Perm

Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Mark Weiss, hair and makeup artist here in New York City in the freelance. I work in commercial print, fashion and entertainment celebrity. I have been asked by a few different people how to do I spot a perm when they are walking on the street, in the subway, looking at different people I think what they are really thinking is you know they want a perm and maybe they want to you know, find somebody that has a good one. The one thing that I do know from doing hair for 22 years is that when somebody gets a perm the curls are very uniform. So what you can actually see is most of all the curls are done exactly the same size and everything else. When you have longer hair there's different kind of wraps but usually it will be very symmetrical where it could be a little bit less at the top and more at the bottom or it could be curls exactly the same everywhere. That is really how I would really spot a perm because the natural curl is not always uniformly the same all over. Usually people have curly hair will have smaller curls right up here into the front quadrant of their hair, maybe about two inches into the hairline and then the curl usually is pretty nonsymmetrical, you know, coming from the top to the bottom as well as just different places in the head will be much curlier, be like the size of your pinky or you know, it could be the size of your thumb. It really depends. So that is how you would spot a perm. My name is Mark Weiss. Thank you for watching. We'll see you again soon.

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