Being an intellectual has its many advantages.
You are considered as someone with a higher IQ and at times held up on a pedestal.
Your advice is always being sought by the lesser intelligent mortals around.
You have a way about you.
Your analysis is sharp and hits the nut right where it is needed.
You find comfort in multiple challenges at a time.
And, you look at dating differently than others do.
Have you frankly asked yourself why your relationships do not seem to last? They say being an intellectual person kind of hampers your love life.
There are various reasons to it, and while they all may not be completely true in your case, they give you an overall idea of what they look like.
Finding someone on the same frequency is difficult: Well, it is obvious.
An intellectual person may have higher standards, and may not find any fun in talking about things that do not relate with their psyche.
Most people they get offered are not like that.
They are more interested in gossip and "junk" talk.
This creates a difficulty for the intellectual when they venture out to date someone.
Prospects are apprehensive: When an intellectual starts talking to a dater, they may jump on to a topic that is, well, heavy for the other person to digest.
Talking about the shortest and easiest way out to always win the Suduko series may not be of interest to all.
Intellectuals lose interest sooner: When things do not go their way, the intellectuals tend to look elsewhere, getting bored of the scene easily.
They do not turn out to be as engaging as two people dating for the first time should be.
Too much analysis of things: Since this is the way of life for them, the intellectual type will keep analyzing a lot and eventually end up reading a lot more than there is into a situation.
This may make them come across as a bit of psychos too.
It ultimately is not healthy for their relationships.
They keep reading about dating and keep taking notes and analyzing the people who are good at it.
Self-help is good, but all focus on it might make your partner feel neglected when you are with them.
Focus on the future: The intellectual type will tend to think more and more about the future.
And hence lose out on the present.
They say the real happiness lies in the present moment.
if you keep thinking about what happens next by applying all your logic and brains, it does not really work.
Relationships are different.
They do not base themselves on logic and reasoning, hence your flowchart, on which you are so hung up on, does not come in handy while dating.
Being smart is good.
But, over-doing what comes piggy-banked with smartness is not cool.
Know this and try to loosen up a bit from your normal intellectual self, and enjoy the flow of your date!
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