Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Watch Out for These Pregnancy Complications and Maintain a Healthy Pregnancy!

Pregnancy is a precious time and a life-changing event. It is really a warm experience between mother and baby that should be cherished all the time. However, a condition may develop to make your pregnancy a high risk, which is commonly known as pregnancy complication.

Pregnancy complication is a condition that can threat you and developing baby during pregnancy. Remember that pregnancy complications can develop at any point of time throughout your pregnancy, which can ruin your very joyful time. It can also develop after the childbirth.

These complications can develop from several factors: chronic diseases (such as diabetes, hypertension), sexual transmitted diseases (syphilis, chlamydia), abnormalities of sperm/ovum, amniotic fluid, and placenta and infections that cause from virus, bacteria and parasites.

The possible pregnancy complications that can harm you and your developing fetus are as follows:

Gestational diabetes: It is the most common pregnancy complication that develops during pregnancy. It is found that two to seven percent of pregnant women develop this condition. This condition when left untreated can lead to increased risk of fetal death as well as thyroid problems.

It generally develops during second trimester of pregnancy. It can be treated by insulin supplementation to manage blood glucose levels.

Amniotic fluid complications: It is a pregnancy complication that results from a very high (polyhydramnios) or very low (oligohydramnios) amniotic fluid levels in the membranes surrounding the fetus.

Excessive amniotic fluid places pressure on your uterus causing pre-term delivery. It also puts pressure on your diaphragm, which leads to breathing problems. Oligohydramnios leads to poor fetal growth, post-term delivery, birth defects such as urinary tract abnormalities, etc.

Placental complications: The pregnancy complications of placenta are placental abruption and placental previa.

Premature detachment of a normally situated placenta is placental abruption where the exact cause for this condition is unknown. The detachment may be partial or complete.

Placental previa is the condition where the placenta is located in lower segment of the uterus, partially or completely covering the opening of the cervix. It leads to severe bleeding during second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The exact cause of placental previa is not known.

Preeclampsia/high blood pressure: Preeclampsia means the development of hypertension with edema or proteinuria or both during pregnancy. It generally occurs after twenty weeks of gestation. It is also called toxemia.

Ectopic pregnancy: It is a pregnancy complication where the development of fetus takes place outside the uterus or within the fallopian tubes. It can also be called as tubal pregnancy.

Rh Factor: If the mother is Rh negative and her partner Rh positive, the combination results in a baby with Rh positive. In this condition, when the blood transfers from mother to the child, the red blood cells will break down leading to anemia.

Miscarriage: Miscarriage is an unintentional or sudden loss of pregnancy. This type of pregnancy complication develops mostly due to age, gene factors, malnutrition, environmental hazards, hormonal problems, etc.

So, maintain a healthy pregnancy with proper prenatal care throughout pregnancy in order to avoid the occurrence of these pregnancy complications. Visit Pregnancy Blog

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