Category : Draw & Paint & Comics & Animation : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Paint an Elk

Comics & Animation
Grazing elk make an interesting pastoral study, and a single elk up close makes a majestic protrait. To create your image with paint, first consider visiting an elk farm or trying to view them in the wild to see how they interact. Take pictures if you can. Study how light falls on the bull's antlers

How to Paint Snowmen Eyes

Comics & Animation
Nothing says winter fun like snowman in the middle of your snow-covered yard. Use a real snowman's features for inspiration the next time you're painting a picture of one. Painting features like buttons for his coat, a carrot nose, corncob pipe and dark coal eyes, are ways to give him personality. W

How to Paint Poinsettias

Comics & Animation
The colorful poinsettia plant is native to Mexico. It is a popular decoration around Christmas because of its vibrant red and green coloring. The red parts of the plant are called "bracts" and its small yellow centers are flowers. When painting the poinsettia plant, creativity is encourage because d