- One of the hardest things to do when you realize you like a girl is to continue being yourself. Once you've figured out your feelings have changed, you may be inclined to be clumsy around her or stammer and not look her in the eye when you're speaking to her. You don't want to do this; you want her to be as comfortable with you as possible. Continue hanging out with her as usual. If you used to hang out at the skate park on Thursdays, continue to do so. If you stop doing the things you used to do, she may think you don't like her anymore and that you prefer to do other activities that don't include her, which is the exact opposite of how you feel.
- "B.T.R," or Before The Revelation, perhaps you parted in the afternoons and wouldn't hear from her until the next day, or a few days after. If you want to let her know your feelings have changed, call her in the evenings to ask how she's doing. Before, you may not have even dared compliment her on her appearance. Change things up a bit by telling her you like her blouse or that her hair looks especially nice. If you're uncomfortable with verbal compliments, send her a text or an e-mail, telling her how you liked an outfit she wore or how she styled her hair.
- Months ago, maybe you would only hang out with her in a group of friends. Since your feelings have changed, consider asking her out on a one-on-one date. Start off by keeping it simple. Invite her to check out the new comic book store or to help you pick out a new pair of jeans. When you feel comfortable enough with the one-on-ones, throw in some romance. Invite her on a "real" date, like to dinner and a movie.
- You used to talk to her once a day about baseball and work. Turn those platonic conversations into something more. Discuss other subjects, like couples and dating. Call her more often, including in the evening before bed. Take a few moments out of your day to e-mail or text her and ask her how her day is going. The idea is to increase the frequency of conversations, eventually leading toward asking her on a romantic date.
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