Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Using statistics to make yourself attractive to women online. Part Two. Writing a Dating profile

There is a large amount of statistics written about what attracts men to women and vice-versa. This article is concerned with how men can go about writing an online dating profile, that will make themselves attractive to a woman browsing down a site page. With the growth of online dating sites mainly brought about by the new "computer generation," it often amazes me that the majority of people when participating in searching for a partner online, have absolutely no idea about how to go about it. The fact is, that the approach is very different for a man as opposed to a woman, and here is why.

When a man is looking for a serious relationship, statistics show that your average male will initially go for good looks and a good body. Statistically speaking this is true in at least 80% of adult males right across the spectrum including social, age and nationality groups. Women on the other hand don't go for looks, but they consider intelligence and emotional stability as main priorities while close behind, they want a gentleman, good potential father and faithful companion. If you can understand the psyche women then you should aim your profile at displaying these qualities.

Too many men assume that what they want is exactly the same for women. Wrong! If you think this, then you are never going to attract a serious potential date. Think of yourself as a fisherman of women. If you are baiting you line using a masculine mentality it's like putting cheese on the end of your hook. What you need is the correct bait, and here it is.

Your dating profile should be calm, self confident, not too heavy with an undertone of humour, and above all not aggressive, boastful or arrogant. Your profile should be baited in the correct way to attract a woman who is in "browsing" mood. If it is all the above things, then she will stop and check you out. Here are two two examples.

Good looking male, loves hot chicks. Enjoys fast living and fast women. Are you hot enough for me?

This profile is light-hearted, but if the person writing it thinks he is going to attract a female he is grossly mistaken. He is joking in a masculine way and has no idea about feminine mentality.

What about this one.

Warm hearted, intelligent, friendly guy looking for someone to pamper............

What a great start to a profile; this man is giving a woman what she wants to hear, and boy is he going to get some hits. What he does with those hits when he receives them is another technique and another part of the equation of attracting females. Look out for parts 3 and 4.

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