Setting aside time for your family.
Let's face it.
No matter how successful or rich you are, if you do not have your family or love ones to share your achievement with, what good can it be.
In a hectic world of multitasking routine,we need to plan and prioritize our work daily.
( e.
planning for business meetings, upgrading ourselves, working on projects etc ) Very often, we are quite well organize with activities relating to our work.
However, the one thing we tend to overlook sometimes is time spend with our love ones.
This is one area we often take for granted.
Spending time with our family gives us a sense of belonging and fulfillment.
Make sure you spend at least once a day to have a meal with them.
The family meal helps to develop a deep sense of security, establish a routine and is a wonderful place for parents and children to listen and demonstrate mutual respect.
Lastly, and probably most important, the simple pleasure of eating together is a time for laughter, fun and sharing love.
Although there is no standard to how much time we must spend with our family.
A conscious effort to spend quality time with our love ones as in entertainment and fun will help us build and strengthen our bond.
Alway encourage communication and sharing of task in the family.
A family that works together stays together.
Children exposed to such environment grow up to be more responsible and sociable adult.
Close family ties is an important part of our total well being.
It is the backbone of psychological health.
When all things fail, our family is always there to support us.
It is something for us to be grateful for.
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