- 1). Locate the center of a residential zone somewhere in your city to serve as the starting point for your train. Find a central point that's built up strongly, containing as many apartment buildings as possible. Locate the center of a commercial or industrial zone near the residential zone to serve as the destination for your train. Residential zones are those with a green background while commercial zones have a purple background and industrial zones a yellow background. Press the pause button to halt the game.
- 2). Open the build menu and then select the roads and track icon. Select railroad tracks and build a railway connecting the two zones. The railway will destroy anything it's placed over so select a route that has as little effect as possible on the city, destroying few built up areas, or removing few major roadways.
- 3). Open the build menu and select the mass transit icon. Select railway station and place a station at both ends of the railway. Make sure that you set the station so that the arrow on the front points towards a roadway to allow vehicle access to the train.
- 4). Press the pause button to begin the game again. Watch as the sim citizens flock to your new trainline.
- 5). Extend the reach of the railway by adding more track and additional stations to the rail line. Connect adjacent building sectors by running a track off the side of the screen. An arrow appears pointing the adjacent sector. Exit the sector screen to the main SimCity map and then choose the adjacent sector. An arrow appears on the edge of the screen nearest the sector from where you ran the track. Connect new track from this point to continue the railway from the first sector into this new sector.