- To ensure that the paint job adheres properly, the surface must be cleaned and prepared. This process includes scrubbing, cleaning, and even lightly scuffing the surface to make sure that every inch of the tub surround will accept the paint. Skipped steps in surface prep will lead to paint that will not stick.
- If you want a long-lasting painted finish, you'll need to prime the fiberglass surface with an appropriate primer before you can paint it. The priming process is essential to ensure that the final coats of paint have a surface to adhere against. Painting the bare fiberglass will result in flaking paint as well.
- Fiberglass must be painted with acrylic paint to stand up to the water and slight flexing in the surface of the tub. Generally this type of paint is applied as an aerosol, but can also be applied with a brush. As with any painted surface, you must allow the paint to cure before you can use the tub surround.
- Although a fiberglass tub surround can be painted, if you do not take care of the surface periodically over the life of the shower, you will have to re-paint it frequently. This care includes frequent washing of the surround, and monthly waxing of the surfaces to provide an additional protective barrier.
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