- 1). Draw a rectangle on your paper with the following characteristics: The rectangle is at least three inches tall, with a height 1 and 3/4 times its width. This rectangle is the basic shape of the gun's grip, in side view.
- 2). Shape the grip: Make two marks on the top and bottom edges of the grip rectangle. The first mark is on the rectangle's top edge, one quarter of the rectangle's width, measured from edge's right end. The second mark is on the rectangle's bottom edge, one quarter of the rectangle's width, measured from the edge's left end.
- 3). Connect the first mark with the bottom right corner of the original rectangle. Connect the second mark with the top left corner of the original rectangle.
- 4). Begin forming the gun's barrel: Draw a rectangle with the right edge aligning with Step 1's right edge. Its length is 1.5 times the height of Step 1's rectangle and its height is slightly less than one quarter of its length.
- 5). Shape the barrel by skewing the left and right edges of the barrel's rectangle. Move the left edge's bottom point slightly right and the right edge's top point slightly left by the same amount.
- 6). Begin forming the trigger guard by plotting the following points: The first is slightly left of the midpoint of the gun barrel's bottom edge. The second is slightly above the midpoint of the grip rectangle's left edge. The last point is slightly above the intersection of a vertical line drawn through point 1 and a horizontal line through point 2.
- 7). Connect points 1 and 3, then points 2 and 3 from step 6. This forms the trigger guard's outline. Complete the trigger guard by drawing two new lines inside the outline. The first is parallel to the guard's vertical edge and slightly right of it. The second is parallel to the bottom edge and slightly above it.
- 8). Complete the gun by forming its trigger. Draw a partial crescent moon with the top centered at the trigger guard's top edge. The crescent's tapered bottom lay slightly to the left of this point, the midpoint of the space inside the trigger guard.
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