Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Fertility Vitamins You Should Know Of

Some women and men are unfortunate enough to get low fertility rates.
Having a baby is one of the most amazing facets of life.
If you are infertile, you can miss this experience.
Good thing there are natural ways you can get your fertility in order.
There are fertility vitamins you can regularly intake.
These vitamins are regular vitamins but it has significant effects when it comes to fertility.
Once you and your partner already decided to try and have a baby, you should stock up on folic acid.
This is one of the most known fertility vitamins out in the market today.
Also, it does not only increase fertility, it is able to prevent serious child defect too.
Folic is not only for women, men should take it as well.
It can increase the number of their sperm count making it easier for the egg cell to be fertilized.
Studies have shown that a multivitamin with at least 400 micrograms of folic acid makes women less prone to ovulatory infertility by 40%.
If you or your partner is a smoker, you will have harder time to conceive a child compared to couples who do not smoke.
The toxin from the cigarette makes the sperm to clump together and this greatly affects their movement while swimming towards the egg cell.
If the sperm cannot travel fast, it cannot fertilize the egg resulting to unsuccessful attempts in getting pregnant.
You can fight off this side effect of smoking by taking in dozes of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a natural anti-oxidant that rids your body of the toxins you have inhaled throughout the course of smoking cigarettes.
If a male would eat one orange a day or take in 1000mg of vitamin per day, his sperm count can improved up to 60%.
The lack of zinc can greatly affect the rate of fertility in both men and women.
Zinc deficiency not only causes chromosome shift, it is also pointed out as one of the source of miscarriage.
If you want a steady number of sperm count for your partner and you want to hold a steady amount of reproductive hormones for you and your partner, take in zinc supplements.
You just have to be careful, though.
High amount of zinc in the body can be poisonous so better check with your doctor first.
You also need anti-oxidants in the form of selenium and vitamin E.
You need the anti-oxidant so that your body will release unwanted toxins.
This will not only make you feel healthy, it will also make you look a lot healthier.
These anti-oxidants also prevents birth defect and miscarriage.
Aside from taking in fertility vitamins, you should also take time to exercise.
Make your body be on its top form so that by the time you succeeded in getting pregnant, you are mentally and physically ready for the nine months of healthy pregnancy.

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