A girl wants to rest secure in the knowledge that her boyfriend really cares for her.
She is willing to go to all lengths to find out whether he loves her or not.
Most often it is very easy to read the signs, other times it takes a little intuition and wisdom to know if he is taking you for a ride.
Here are some simple tips that will let you have the answer in no time at all.
How does he make you feel? This is something that you can easily consider.
Does he make you feel loved, cherished and special or does he make you feel like a slave? It is easy to know his true feelings for you by the way he behaves with you.
A boy who is constantly looking out for you and making sure you are happy - loves you.
Does he always put his friends first? Are you constantly battling with his friends for his attention? If you notice that he tends to give his friends more of his time and attention, it just means that he values their friendship more than yours.
He if truly loves you he will put you and your needs first and the others will never be a priority over you.
Does he only "like" you and not "love" you? Sometimes it is easy to confuse "like" and "infatuation" with "love".
When one or both partners get carried away by the heat of the moment it is easy to mistake "like" for "love".
This is when the problems arise.
After a while, he could turn around and tell you that he likes you as a friend and nothing more.
Check if he treats you like one of the gang.
He accepts you just as you are When you find your boyfriend loves you in spite of your weaknesses and failings - it is a true sign of his love and affection for you.
You can be sure that he loves you when he still cares after recognizing your shortcomings and faults.
This is a boy who will not be afraid of committing to you in future.
He constantly involves you in his activities If he involves you in all that he does, it proves that he wants to spend more time with you.
A guy who is not sincere will try to string you along and spend more time away from you than with you.
Is your boyfriend happiest when he is with you? Is he afraid of losing you? If your boyfriend really cares for you then he will do all he can in his power to keep you happy and content in the relationship.
This means that he will not be selfish and insensitive to your needs.
He will be ready to sacrifice and do without just to see that smile on your face.
He will know that words are not enough Every time he tells you that he loves you - he will back up his words with actions.
Check and see if his walk matches his talk! There are many men who will make a hundred promises and pay you hundreds of compliments but they do not behave or show through their actions that they mean a single word they say.
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