Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Do You Really Want to Know What is a Hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids, put plainly and truthfully, are the biggest curse on modern society.
Another way to put it, as most of you would know them, is hemorrhoids are literally a "PAIN" in the butt.
My reasons for my antagonistic views of hemorrhoids is very long and I could write pages on the subject.
But a sweet and short version is that I have suffered some extreme pains for many years with all the different types of hemorrhoids.
I think that is a good enough reason for being so opposed to hemorrhoids.
An interesting fact is that hemorrhoids are also one of the most missed spelled words in the English vocabulary.
I have seen some really weird versions, but in the end it still refers to the same ailment.
The best and easiest way that I can explain what is a hemorrhoid is to compare hemorrhoids to a varicose vein.
They both function in the same manner, except the hemorrhoid is in the anus area.
The vein walls become weak at a certain point from excessive pressure.
The walls give way and a pocket of blood is formed.
This is also known as swollen hemorrhoids.
These swollen hemorrhoids can become infected if the blood in these pockets remains stagnant.
Alternatively, to swollen hemorrhoids, more pressure is exerted on the vein walls, most commonly from stool evacuation, or from rough toilet paper wiping.
The vein walls gives way further and breaks.
Bright red blood will pour in the pan or on the toilet paper.
This is known as bleeding hemorrhoids.
This condition usually repeats itself during the next bowel movement.
There are only two types of hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids, and only one derivative ofhemorrhoids and that is fissure hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids can attack anybody and at any age.
They are not racists, and will attack any color, culture, nationality, or gender, even our household pets.

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