Category : Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs : Cars & Vehicles

How to Replace a Rod Cork

Replacing the cork on a fishing rod adds new life to the trusted pole. When cork wears out, holding the rod becomes harder, especially when wet or slick. New cork adds life by absorbing more moisture, providing a tacky surface to hold and allowing the natural oils on your hand to seep in, giving it

How to Use Ultima Car Detail

A newly detailed car looks great with a fresh paint of wax but after even a few days of regular use it can begin to look dusty and dingy again. Most people, however, don't have the time to wash their cars every time they get a little dirty. One solution is to use a spray-on detailer, which is quick

How Are Tires Rated?

Passenger and light truck tires are subject to several rating systems that allow buyers to select tires that meet their requirements. Of extra help is the fact that all of the rating data is molded right into the sidewall of the tire. This allows the shopper to easily compare tires side by side or f