Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

So You Think You Are Pregnant! A Quick and Easy Guide To Follow For Your Pregnancy Miracle!

The premier stage of any pregnancy miracle is to get it confirmed.
I know the test kit from your pharmacy may be telling you that you are pregnant but get it confirmed.
Have a pregnancy test done with your family doctor; you should not have to wait more than two or three days for the result.
Be patient during this waiting time.
I understand that is easier said than done, waiting can be a very difficult and emotional time, especially when you need to know for sure whether you are pregnant.
The results will become available soon enough and we hope your pregnancy will be confirmed.
Appointments, Appointments, Appointments...
Set up an arrangement to visit your doctor as soon as practical.
At this first appointment your medical practitioner will ask to know all your relevant medical background.
I know that you think your doctor will have all the information about you on file, but this is not the same, especially if it is your first pregnancy.
The doctor will be gleaning information about your family medical history, particularly where it relates to pregnancy.
If you've been pregnant before the doctor will need to know all about it.
Try to ensure you have as much relevant information to hand as possible; written notes would be very useful.
If you have any concerns or anxieties this would be the time to bring them out into the open.
Don't hold onto your fears, simply ask your doctor and he will do his best to answer your worries.
Believe it or not doctors are there to help you, and don't get embarrassed since they've been asked every question you can possibly think of.
Your doctor will often give you another appointment or have you set one up with the receptionist before you leave.
Next help yourself! Ensure that you get all the correct vitamins, as they are very important during your pregnancy.
You should be able to get lots of useful information in the form of booklets and notices from your nearby health clinic.
They will also have essential information about healthy eating, normal levels of exercise, fluid intake in addition to vitamin requirements.
If all goes well you should get your first ultrasound, at about week 20, however this may vary according to where you are.
At this time you may be able to establish what sex the baby is.
This is your choice and you may prefer to wait till childbirth to find out the sex.
In certain instances doctors like to give you an ultrasound at about 12 weeks and if this happens don't panic and think something is wrong.
All it means is that the medical staff are taking extra measures and are trying to do the best for you and your baby.
OK You Are On The Final Stages Now! At first, your appointments with your doctor or midwife will be about 4 weeks apart, until you hit the 36 week mark and then it will move to intervals of two weeks.
As you approach the final stages of pregnancy you may even find your doctor will want to see you on a weekly basis.
By now you should be getting excited and well down the path of preparing to have your baby.
Of course, I'm sure you will start to get anxious towards the end of your pregnancy, but don't worry as this happens to all expectant Mums.
You should be trying to relax as best you can and enjoy the final moments of your pregnancy.
Before you know it you will be the proud Mum you always wished to be.
The pregnancy miracle that is having your very own baby will have been yours to experience - good luck!

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