- Wood windows require regular maintenance, such as painting and scraping. They may also require caulk or glazing in order to keep them from exposure to moisture damage. Also, many prospective home-buyers look for vinyl "maintenance free" windows, when purchasing a home. Wood windows could interfere with your ability to sell the home quickly, should you choose to do so.
- "Replacing windows is rarely cost-effective based solely on energy-savings" say researchers from Residential Design and Construction. Additionally, the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training demonstrates in its publication "Testing Energy Performance of Historic Windows in a Cold Climate" that the amount of energy lost through wood windows is not significant.
- In the article "The Truth About Windows and Storm Doors," experienced home restoration professionals advise that "when wood is continually painted, it's life expectancy can be about 200 years." The article goes on to say that in comparison "vinyl windows have been shown to have a life-span of about 20 years." If the wood windows compliment the look of the home, there is no reason to replace them.