- 1). Point the firearm in a safe direction.
- 2). Grasp the grip. Depress the magazine release with your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard. Completely remove the magazine.
- 3). Grasp the serrated sides of the slide from the rear with your thumb and fingers. Forcefully pull the slide all the way back to extract any cartridge from the chamber and clear it from the pistol.
- 4). Lock the slide open by pressing upward on the slide stop while simultaneously allowing the slide to move slightly forward.
- 5). Look in the chamber. Verify that the pistol is unloaded.
- 6). Pull the slide back and slowly release the slide forward to the closed position.
- 7). Press the "Field-Stripping Aid" (it is called a "decocker" on other P99s) downward, with your finger or a paper clip, into the slide until the striker is audibly de-cocked.
- 8). Grip the take-down catch from above on both sides and press downward. Push the slide forward and remove it from the frame. Complete field-stripping the pistol before removing the end cap.
- 9). Remove the recoil guide rod assembly from below the barrel while keep the spring under pressure. Remove the barrel from the slide.
- 10
Lay the slide on a smooth, flat surface with the muzzle facing away from you. Grasp the slide at the slide serrations. - 11
Push the striker pin through the square opening at the top right side of the slide end cap with a 2mm punch. Slide the end cap down to remove it.
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