Category : Microsoft Software & solutions : Technology

How to Rip .CDA to WAV

A CDA, or the .CDA file extension, is the default way Windows Explorers displays audio tracks when you load a CD in your disc drive. For example, the first track on a CD is not displayed by name, only as Track01.CDA. You can easily rip your .CDA tracks to WAVs using Windows Media Player, which comes

Home Inventory Programs

Keeping a home inventory can be more than just a useful way to get organized. In case of theft or fire, having a list of everything you own simplifies your communication with the insurance company. Inventories also ensure that nothing gets left behind when you move, and can even help you...

How to Open Microsoft Media Center

Beginning with the Windows XP operating system, Microsoft added Media Center, a multipurpose media player capable of turning a computer into a home entertainment system. The Microsoft Media Center allows a user to play DVDs, view a slide show of her favorite pictures, or even watch TV if the compute

The DTA File Extension

The DTA file extension is mainly associated with data files. As of March 2011, nine applications use files with the DTA file extension. However, the files are not compatible. This means that a DTA file created by one application will not open in another application that also uses files with the DTA

How Do I Reboot a Dell XP

One of the most common tasks for computer users is rebooting. Rebooting a Dell computer with Windows XP installed is simple. To keep a computer running smoothly, you should reboot at least once a week. Installing new software or Windows updates may require you to reboot your computer as well. Reboot